الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2015


One of the used subject to criticize Islam, but before we get into it it's important to lay the foundation of western thinking of Slavery.

1st The Start of Slavery:-

Prisoners of wars since the 1st ages had no rights and no law to protect them, unless ransomed they all made into slavery, Men, women and children where all but to change and sold to the highest price available, they are used for anything and everything and where treated as animals, some of them became like bets to their owners which is the highest a slave can get, but the lucky ones can be free of wonder as long as they bring money to their owner.

Sparta are the most advanced Slave owners, the Rule victories against an entire Island palpation and made them their slaves, the called them the helts, when the helts fought for the freedom the Spartans found they had 7 to 1 in Numbers disadvantage, after a great battles they manage to defeat them, but Spartans from there on had to become a fully war state, depending on the slave for farming and service while making sure no to lose control over them, which largely why they failed to become big conquers like Athena and Macedonia who both use slavery but not so heavily.

God old laws punished thief's by making them slaves to the people the steal from. Josef Son of Israel was so loved by his Ant she falsely accuse him of stealing to have him, himself was found was abundant by his brothers inside a well where a passing caravan found him and sold him for a very cheap price, later after he raise to be a minister of eygpt he manage to save his little brother from their same evil brothers by accusing him of stealing, he couldn't take him as a slave in Egypt law so he made them sentence him beforehand with Israeli law.
Alexander the great avenging the long and tiring Siege of Tyre 332 BC, in which he was badly wounded in his thigh, after the conquer he enslaved 30,0000 of its people, the same thing happened to the Greek city Thebes at his hand.
The Roman are the most effected by the slaves, they had so many from their conquers they were like insects, 3 rebellions where caused of this, 2 in Sicily and one in Italy before they make laws to protect the slaves and insure it doesn’t happen again. Women in western culture where treated much as a slave by the husbands until the end of middle ages, they could buy and sell them as they please (something Islam never allowed). But still women always where treated poorly by non-Islamic cultures, while in Islam she had the right of ownership, the right to Inherit by Quran law, the right to choose her husband, the right to divorce through a judge (she give money to her husband to divorce her), the right to have alimony, and the right to Speak her mind, but to westerners that’s doesn’t matter for after finally the western woman earned the right to everything Islam gave the women 1300 years earlier, westerner Believes that a woman is not free until she freely show every bit of her body to everyone, mixing in their head freedom with Pornography, but that another matter.

Abolition of slavery:
Christianity and Jaws Religion never absolute slavery, the 1sd recorded abolition of slavery where in Asia by Indian Asoka, and chicness Qin and Xin densities, the idea to of slavery abolition started in the western world by Doge of Venice Pietro IV Candiano 960 AD, A SLAW LONG PROCESS was required for the western countries to adapt the Abolition of slavery.
Much like the Roman, the USA south state treated their slaves; Abolition became a major issue in the USA Civil War and was used as a weapon against the south, never the less even until the late 20's century the Black right Issue was a distressful to a country that claims a leader of free world.
In South Africa it was long hard process for the Black Africans to be free from the white filthy control and torture.
So in all this time, through all the religions Slaves had no rights and few laws to protect them even after gaining freedom.
The most knows Mass slavery known to mankind is in Egypt, pharos from ancient times considered all their subjects slaves, well for that matter it's the same for most ancient Rules, false Religious is the prime source of that, they either make him a vessel of god or make him a god himself to force obedience upon them.
In pharos case his religion allowed him the statue of a god, but there was a problem, since the days of prophet Josef son of Israel son of Isaac son of Ibrahim a mass immigrations accord doe to the 7 years world famine, those where the sons of Israel, they were many and they had a different religion from egyptions, a religion that forbid them to worship humans.
Pharos was a good generous to his people, treating them like a merciful god, making advertising for his godhood, but those who refuse it had to be punished so he turn all of them to slavery. Massa was born he escaped death as an infant from the hand of the pharos and was raised in pharos palace as a son to the pharos wife, then he killed an Egyptian by mistake, he escaped from Egypt get married and work for 10 years as a sheep herder before coming back where in the way Allah made him and his big brother Heron prophets and send them to collect the sons of Israel and punish Pharos (all in short tale), so all jaws where the sons of former slaves, they use this connection to claim closeness to the African Americans in films, but since today the are the money owner and controlers of both UK and the USA, the claim is idiotic at best.

Feudalism slavery:
In both old and mid evil ages treating the People as Slaves is the common way, a new advanced way of slavery invented, a double sword tactic, in one hand each lord is given a huge land where he take huge taxes from the residences whether they like it or not, that one sword, the second is the use of Christianity, abbeys and churches all through Europe working in both sides, in one hand insure the obedience of the subjects for the lord and get paid for their services, in the other hand taking money from the poor by using lies through the religious leadership they gave themselves.
It's a very dark comedy that what save the European subjects from slavery is Mass deaths by the plagues and long wars especially the crusades and the 100 years war, lack of subjects means the need to import workers from outside the land lord territory, which required enticing them with money and law taxes, it wasn't by choice the high class had to adapt to the their land needs, especially since mass death took both Knaves and Naples alike.

Modern slavery:
Will Slavery is not plainly as now days, for after the fall Feudalism a new kind of slavery is made, it's through debt and the need for money, only few escape from the new system with only the basic needs, to eat, drink and medicine, well in Feudalism those basics where source of empowering the nobles, but today 100 time those needs spread all over the world, making it possible to totally control and manage the human race like Robots, programing them through media, and forcing to work to death to fill the pockets of the elite.
Well, still slavery was used in Europe, where the Nobles from the USA and Europe formed the Nazi party to make concentration camps all over Europe (only 1% of them where Jewish) making force slavery to extract the wealth of the land, which is a mass use of the British concentration camps in India, afterward the jumped all over the defeated Germany to devour what left from it.
Another Slaver mechanism was implemented successfully in Britain through the complete control of it finance after the Waterlo scam, which by falsifying the British defeat one company manage to own all the British economy.
In 1913 Federal Reserve Bank a privet owned bank managed to bay a USA president Thomas Woodrow Wilson, who give them two things, the complete control of making bank notes (dollars) and distributed all over the country banks for an interest that is paid to them forever as taxes collected for the them by the other thing which is the I.R.S, a perfect continues machine to enslave the resistance of the USA by dept. forever (well as long as the USA last), of course they later enhanced it by implementing the Medical insurance system which is a widely known USA disgrace to blackmail the sick into bankruptcy.
Though Europe don't have such system they do have a very well-oiled machine to extract money and control the people, which is not enslaving, though hypnotizing is the word that describe it.
Islam and slavery:
Before Islam Arab heathens had the same way of thinking of the westerns, but when Islam came it changed everything, Islamic Anti-slavery laws one by one Established, giving rights to the slaves, engorging freeing them and treating them like family, punishing those who abuse them by freeing the slaves, everything but abolition was ordered directly from God 340 years before Doge of Venice Pietro IV Candiano even think about it.
Westerns don't call themselves the freedom fighters for abolition slavery; they call the self that for their call for freedom of religion and modesty, true freedom calling is to the abolition of law including everything that anti freedom.
So true Freedom is a media fabrication, all governments, Religions, laws, ethics, and Societies are anti-freedom, we are all slave of one kind or another, but Muslim accept only one kind of slavery to themselves, it's to be Allah slaves.
In Plain Short sentence: "the true only Freedom Allah gave man is a choice to be his slaves or seek another, with him he promise heaven, with others he promise Hell".
I chose to be Allah's Slave.
What do you chose?

One slave revelation happened in Islam called Zanj Rebellion (AD 869–883) it was the reason Abbasids Rule strength collapsed and lead to the defection of Islamic country till today,  it caused by lack of care for the slaves, and their lack of food, drinks, shelter and sex, one man gave them all that and they fallow him, later they left him to Abbasids when they gave them the same thing but rather than Rape, they allow them to have slave women and wives under true Islamic Rule, then they served Abbasids well until Turks replaced them.

The same conditions Zanj Rebellion gave his followers ISIS, though exchanging Rape by enslaved women and wives, most modern Islamic country is controlled by filthy disgusting Rules who take almost all the wealth of the people and hardly giving the 4 basic needs (food, drinks, shelter and sex), when some gives all 4 it seem like heaven on earth, Plus the false sense of Jihad even though their leaders are false Muslims, another proxy of the CIA.

You would never find in western books a slave rolling freemen, but in Islamic history their is 2 examples:

1) Kafor: a Black African slave left by his master to rule after him egypt, he Ruled for 20 years, he managed a stable strong ruling in a very harsh times.

2) the Mamloks: their name describes themas slaves,  they are actually enslaves, when the inheritors of Salaidh failed to protect Islam the manage to stop the mongol and rain Egypt, and the middle east, slowly later they manage to kick out the crusaders and ruled for hundreds of years through a very strange non hereditary Rule.


though I have to say in the 20th centenary the proxy rules in behave of the money owners is extremely slimier to being ruled by a slave, the only freeman of the punch that I can find is JFK, he established himself as a free President of the USA an tried to free the Citizens from the true Rulers of the states so he was killed.   

الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2015

Jihad and Martyrdomin Islam

Strange how ugly face the western media gave to those two concepts, allowing their hatred of Islam to change shape of this glories wonderful good deeds, calling those who defend their homes and honor as villains while in the main time describing their  dead invading murders as martyrs.
 Martyrdom is a hugely debated concept, with every side of every wars claimed as their own. The other sides of course are Villains and the dead would rot in hell.
A perfect definition of Martyrdom would be "a concept of death in which the dead are praised and glorified by the living as reward for their love ones for the way they died, and therefor engorging others to fallow on their kill or be killed ugly steps".
Even an atheist can agree No one wants to die, but if he has no choice he might as well be praised for the way you die. For mark my world in every army ever existed, a stigma of of being a cowed is put upon the one who run from battle, and in most of them the deserters are killed and disgraced after death to prevent others from fallowing on their steps.
Religions and governments are is the main deciders of Martyrdom, they use it as a war tool and political advantage toward there ends.

Muslim countries are no different, though Islam is not changing, government tent to use the Martyr sigma as they which, which is a lie never the less, For in Islam Martyrdom is not something to given by human like in other religions, In Islam Martyrdom is only decided by Allah, so rather than say:" Martyr" we say: "we think he is a Martyr", which is very different from each other's.
This is one difference in Islamic Martyrdom, before I write the others I have to define Martyrdom in Islam, it's "a death that happing during Great Jihad", so not even being killed matter, even dying is sleep at the time is Martyrdom, of course Great Jihad definition is" any Act war against a non-Muslim nation, or an act of defense against a Muslim State or any act of resistance against any occupying state".
Great Jihad is a greater concept in Islam then any non-Muslim can imagine, for example:
1) All AL Sham countries are in a state of great Jihad until Judgment day.
2) Any country falling under a non-Islamic Rule is in a State of Great Jihad until they get their freedom.
3) Any one traveling to Haj or Um-rah is in a state of Jihad.
4) Those that travel for learning all are is in a state of Jihad.

Also it's a not very accept it fact, by Suicide boomers go straight to hell, and being killed or killing another Muslim in a non-defense fight is a deadly Sin, and unintentional  self-killing is not suicide and if happened in Jihad it's  Martyrdom.

As for Islamic Martyrs, Less than 5% are Jihad Martyrs, there is several ways of Muslim death that is in Allah book in the same level, with condition of keeping the 5 prayers away in their times, and I know of them the following:
1) Death by plague.
2) Drowning.
3) In child Birth.
4) While traveling outside the home country but not acutely a Resistant of another.
5) Burning to death.
6) Death under collapsing building.
7) To be killed defending honor or money.
8) To be killed trying to save another being (I don't know if trying to save non-human count).
9) Wishing for Martyrdom but dying without achieving it is also Martyrs.
10) If someone supports another man family while he goes to Jihad, then this Man is in Jihad with him, and if he dies he is Martyr.

Martyrs Rewards:
1) People after death stay in their grave until judgment day, Martyrs are different; their souls rest inside green birds stomachs and fly them over all over heaven.
2) Paradise is the highest level in heaven, it's very hard to reach their, Martyrdom is a short way.
P.S: The Long way is much more rewarding; one year of good worship can exceed Martyrdom, for example taking care of an orphan make a person a Neighbor of Prophet Mohammad.
3) 70 from this person family can be spared Hell and send to the lowest heaven level with his intercession.
P.S: 70 is not a great, one very good worshiper actually allowed to be intercessor to thousands, Prophet Mohammad himself is the greatest intercessor after judgment day he work 7000 years getting people from hell, but since he is the only human who allowed this level of unlimited intercession he doesn't stop until the door of forgiveness is closed forever .
4) he get to be carried by Allah own hand and allowed to ask whatever they like, not strangely they all ask the same thing to die another 100 deaths as Martyrs and since its forbidden for humans to have more than one Life sentence they ask for Muslims to Know their fate so they can fallow.

There are other rewards but they are common with other good worshiper's, but the one western media laugh at them for having is the Virgin woman, for two reasons:
1st sex all the men thinks about, so the assume this the main thing that drove them to Jihad, one of Prophet Mohammad followers left his pride in their 1st night before he even touched her to be a Martyr.
2nd Virginity almost a Disgraceful Sin in modern western society, also it a very rare thing to find in a bride, they don't know that in the common cultures (where adultery is not the come Rule) Virginity is taken in marriage is the common thing. Also the Virgins girls in heaven are so beautiful that make the most beautiful women in earth worthless.

The western media hate for Jihad is easily explained, almost all Muslims where defeated and become the occupied land of the New crusaders in one time or another (France, Britain, Holland, Italy, Russia…)   for Muslims to get free Jihad was everywhere, Algeria alone  produced more than 1.5 million Martyrs, the covered up mass massacres of Muslims  proofed very expensive and time consuming,  they found to erase Islam hey have to erase Muslims existence, but then they have no common enemy to face and no people to enslave which is troublesome, finally they retreated.
The USA tried the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq, they acutely made 9/11 for this cause, but they found that even modern weapons are useless to exterminate resistance, but still their military had a lot of fun killing and torturing Muslims, also it prepared them for the next steps of firing their new made unstoppable weapon the ISIS.
The great Anti Islamic weapon, a weapon made from the same Islamic basics that the west fought against for the last 1392 years, based in the same way they made
Al-Qaeda do the fallowing:
1) Attract those who want Jihad in one faction to exteremnate them.
2) Make massive Chaos all over the middle east.
3) Disfigure the Image of Islam.
4) Ease the way for Isreal to Rule the Middle east.
5) Prepare for the common of the AntiChrist.

A chess game is a foot between the Western government and Islam, a game they shouldn't have started in the 1st place, for the result is so Clear only a mad man ignore it.
in this game two hands are playing, one is Allah guiding them to the other hand, where all the pieces Allah Wrote before the start of the human kind are arrange like a puzzle toward his avenging of the way the think, act and intent while pressuring all human kind to chose between himself or Antichrist soldiers.

Sorry for being so tiresome, for we are approaching the storm and I'm scared, 2015-2019 the preparation period, 2020-2015 the deadly scenario time, this is only my protections and I hope it's much later.   


الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2015

Warning Dick Cheney announced a new CIA Fake tersest attack

Dick Cheney in CNN Announce a New 9/11 Prepared by the CIA to organize another tersest war against another Muslim country.
As Most people knew the 9/11 attack was prepared, organized, and acted by the CIA forces, successfully engorging the USA public to go to Muslim countries and massacre them for bloody revenge, this massacre was stopped by economic crises that still pretty much alive today, in Dick Cheney (a prime organizer of  nicely made venture) interview he state "'I think 9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty attack against the United States, which, if and when it comes, will be with something far deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters".

So what kind of event are  are they planing?
What ever it is it most be Bigger than 9/11 and with a lot of planning, the 9/11 plan had so much hole it was like a complete Dam distraction, so this time the plan has to be made at least Semi-perfect so all the USA public would shear for the republicans as they enter on Islamic country after another, killing men, Raping Woman, and Orphaning Children, they would send their own flesh and blood to do the devil work in the false name of self defense.

But still what calm me down is that All the Western Armies can't do much, the Islamic great massacres will happen at the hand of Muslims no one else, they can use us to kill each other but that the best they can do.

So the knives that will cut my Islamic throat is USA planed, USA made, but with Islamic hand.   

  A Follower of prophet Mohammad said a poem as he though he was dying, he said: "I don't care if I die for Allah, where or how death would come"