الأربعاء، 29 أبريل 2015

the True Shia Religion

Media in general want you to believe that Sunni and Shia have the same religion, actually it's false, both side claim the other Heathen, steps are made daily to calm the danger of war between them, here is the truth the multimedia hiding:

Shia means Followers, they are basically a made up religion with Islam as it basis. It collected aspects from Judaism and Christianity to make a fully Anti Islamic Religion, the one they Pray for is A man called Ali and His wife , they give him every title of Allah And his Prophet Mohammad and warship him fully and openly.  there is many branches for Shia but the main one is Iran and that what I speak off mainly, and here there examination:

1) Iranian Shia are different religion then Sunni they pray to a human called Ali who is Prophet Mohammad cousin and his son in law.

2) Unlike Sunni who have no religious leader, they have religious leaders called the masters, they followers have to give them 20% of their income for them , and they have 1st night privilege to every new bride, and they are the same as rabbi to Jaws in matter of Obedience, Respect And Power. Or like the Old Catholic church to it followers.

3) Every Muslim Sunni on the face of earth in their religion is a heathen, they are allowed to kill, Rape, and steal from them and they do more than that by saying bad things about prophet Mohammad wives to belittle him in compare to Ali .

4) The curse the Holy Ghost, they claim he was order by Allah to give Ali the prophecy and he disobeyed him and gave it to his cousin Mohammad.

5) Quran in their religion is fake for Ali name never writing in it, they say Ali hid it when prophet Muhammad followers toke another as there leader. what they should've asked why didn't he bring it when he became the forth islamic ruler .

6) For Shia there is two Haj, the primary one is to Hussain Son of Ali lays after been killed by the same Iraqi followers who asked him to come, the where his 1st Shia (Shia mean followers). They go and pray to him. The second haj is to Makkah to act as Muslim in front of everyone while praying to Ali and his wife.

7) One Shia group in history actually took over Makkah killed the men Raped the women and enslaved the children for 25 years, all Shia loves those days.

8) The prime Shia Master Khomeini order Shia in 1979 to kill all Muslims in hajj, Iran people where very happy to see they Muslim massacre until Saudi Arabia used the army to deal with them, Shia call the desecrators of hajj  heroes.

9) In 1989 they bombed Makka.

10) To defer Shia from Muslim they are called Sunni, meaning Prophet Mohammed Followers who follow him as a slave of Allah and a prophet, Shia ward mean Ali Followers they fallow him as a demi god  .

11) all Muslim love Ali and his wife and his children (he married many times had a lot of children named them after Abo Baker, Omar, Othman the three 1st  Islamic Rulers ) , only Shia pray to them instead of Allah.

12) Hussein son Ali is also Prophet Mohammad's grandson, he is regarded as the same level to Shia as Jesus to Christians, only they pray to his father.

13) Damning Prophet Mohamed wives, his Followers, the Holy Ghost and Sunnis is the basis of Shia religion.

14) Most Shia masters don't know Arabic so they can't read Quran.

15) Fasting in Shia from Sunset to 20 minutes after sundown, and in Iran they can always say they are sick rather than fast.

16) Shia hardly prays, and when they do it so fast it's almost like running.

17) Everything forbidden in Islam allowed to Shia.

18) Adultery is a way of live to Shia , especially since a man can put his hand on a woman and claim marriage for period of time of his chosen even if she is married or a child, but that was stopped in Iran for third of Iran have no known father which was disturbing Image. In fact in Bahrain when the riots for Shia rule of the country, in support for the movement tents and boxes where put for sex. Because of this it continued along time.

19) 70% of Iran money goes to convert people to Shia religion and to support them which made Iranian very unhappy and troubled.

20) Kuwait Shia merchant have third of Kuwaiti wealth and they use the fifth of their income to convert poor people to their religion, Hosni Mubarak Egypt president fought this until the end of his rule.

21) Iran president only rules by the blessing of Shia master.

22) Iran claims 90% of Iran are Shia, but that is a lie, Sunni are far greater numbers then Shia, but have to hide their religion for fear of torture and death.

23) Shia like the Jaw are waiting for the one eyed antiChrist to lead them against the world, Both Sunni and Christians wait for Jesus though Sunni call him Prophet and Christians call him god.

24) Jewish religion has more incoming to Shia tahn Christianity.

25) Ali bin Abu Talib the man Shia pray to, burned the first Shia ever to stop their worship, they included The creator of Shia religion who was a jaw . But the murder of his son Hussein at the hand of Iraq Shia ignited their worship again.

26) In Iraq, trips of Shia converted back to Sunni Islam after a video of the masters of Shia in Iraq having sex with their daughters who were send their. it was strange for the trips but it was fine to the shia for in their religion adultry is very much recommended and all woman should provide sexual favors to the shia maters .

27) Shia rule Syria, Iraq, Iran, And Azerbaijan and the massacres in Syria is a good example of what Shia likes to do to Sunni.

28) like old christians shia flog themselves asking Ali for forgiveness for the death of his son, they claim Sunni Killed him and so they will kill Sunni men rape the wives and enslave their children for Revenge . even though the shia where his true murderers !!!.

29) Homosexuality is widely accepted to Shia, in fact a French kiss with Tongue use is the way to get a master's blessing.

Finally , don't be fooled , media try to make you think Shia and Sunni are the same, but frankly Shia to Sunni are like Jew to Christianity totally different with a book incoming. It's very disappointing  seeing Sunni Marry Shia or make them their friends because of lack of knowledge or care, for to them Sunni is a Heathen any harm they do to them is allowed, it's not personal, it's their religion commandment.

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