الخميس، 14 مايو 2015

World Questions answered

Here is Questions Asked by All answered In Islam 

Q: Can anyone see Allah!!!?

An: Impossible, Allah himself is beyond any eye ability to describe, but Allah allows His good creations to see an image, those lucky one include privileged Angles. humans before death are not allowed to see him, Muses was privileged to talk directly with Allah and be Answered directly not by inspiration like all Prophets, Prophet Mohammad was Allowed one time his life time to assent to Jerusalem on a flaying horse and from there to the seven heaves and after meeting Allah prophets including Jesus, Muses, Abraham, John, Solomon and his father Prophet David he was taking to see and talk to Allah Directly.

For others after death Prophets and killed Martyrs have this privilege before Judgment day. In judgment day something magnificent happen, all human kinds are gathered and while angles pass by every heathen thing of them as god and bow to them, prophets fellows (whom Muslim are about two third of them) don't get fooled easily, they wait for Allah sign, a sign every single prophet tolled his followers about, and its mentioned in Quran, it when Allah show them his leg, then everyone who believed of Allah in earth Prostrate to him, all others try but fall every time on their backs.

Resistant of heaven gather every Friday there they can see Allah directly.

Q: How powerful of Allah!? .

An: truly infinity and beyond. Anything he wants he can make by two letters "be". He made the universe in 4 days and earth in 2 days, which is heavenly calculation 1.47 sec. as for his soldiers , Angles Alone are countless , for every Human ever lived there is 6 Angles assigned just for him , one to write his Sin from Adulthood , the second to write his good deeds from his birth , and 2 to protect him at day, and 2 at night, every day 70,000 Angles go through Kaaba every 24 hours and never return , everything in earth, skies, heavens and hell have Angles working on them, they don’t eat or drink or sleep or have gender dividing them. And above all they are so powerful only one needed to end all life on earth, but the most powerful of them are the eight carriers of Allah throne the Semi impossible deed.

Q: Where is the Soul!!!?

An: there is an Angle who in the Embryo reach 40 days on the womb he put the soul inside (that’s why operation is only allowed before the 40th day of pregnancy) , we don't know where the Soul reside in the living human, but after death it move directly to reside in in end of the spine until judgment day.

Q: How many prophets have been send?

An: 314,000 Prophets among the 314 messengers, there are 25 of them mentioned in Quran, the most Mentioned in order Prophet Mohammad , Muses, Noah, Jesus, Abraham , Hood , Salah, Shuaib, Joseph .

Adam was the 1st prophet, chosen for this after he was falling from heaven and after Allah forgave him and his Wife.

The 2nd Prophet was his son Seth.

In the old ages sending 2, 3 or even more prophets was usual.

The Sons of Israel are the second biggest Human Nation worshiping Allah ever after Muslims, maybe thousands of prophets where send to them, death and disbelieve was what they face with the jaw and for that Allah not only Damned them but also all their Offspring and wives plus anyone fallowing Judaism ever.

the last one send to them and who also the 2nd last to be send ever was Jesus, who like all Israeli Prophets face a very strong disbelieve and disapprove from the Jaws, and couldn’t move them from their heathenish, for that he was ordered the leave then and was the 1st to be send as worldly Messenger. 

The Last one was is Prophet Mohammad.

Q: who are the biggest Allah Believers Nations from the humans ever?

An: Muslims are the 1st, for they lasted on the Actual faith the longest. Muses Followers are the second their lifetime equal Muslims lifetime the Plus Christianity to Islam lifetime, but their faith was so distort and they killed so many prophets Allah Damned them forever. The third is Christianity , for 200 years since Jesus it remained Pure, escaping the Roman Catholic Reaches , but then it weakened until the Constantine the Heathen emperor sow it use, and was able to take it over and distort it to A form that acceptable to the Roman Faith. Most other Prophet where not so successful in the call, Noah was send to all of earth and only few fallowed him , including both his wife and one of his sons. The 4th best record we have is Jonah after the wale swallowed him whole and while living inside the whale belly, his tribe in Nineveh who were sentenced to be exterminated by Allah made an appeal , every one lift the village with all the stuck and made a march to the dessert asking for Allah's absolution , and for the only ever time in record Allah Gave it to them, then Allah heard Jonah ply and order the whale to through him out to an Island where to help him recover Allah made a tree of Pumpkin near him , when he ate he was recovered and was send back to his people , and made a nation of more than 100,000 believers from them . 

Other nation mostly nothing as such, some prophet gets 1 believer some 2 and some several.

One man who believed that Allah is the one and only all his live will be send judgment day as his own nation ( his son became one of the 10 best followers of prophet Mohammad) making him the smallest Nation Ever.

Q: What kind of social and economic system is Islam in compare to others!!?.

An: first I have to explain Islamic view upon other Social orders:

1) Real Democracy : In ancient Athena's after facing very hard Rain of Kings, it people invented Democracy, in which all citizens are most be equals and they have a real vote to what happens in their city. It had a lot of success, but failed miserably in accepting the Great Deeds of it heroes and the Wisdom of its Wise man, so either they killed or drove them away. They voted everything, even the military had 10 general who vote on how to fight. It wasn't a bad system but it heavily lacked leadership.

2) Modern Capitalism Democracy: Democracy was based firmly that citizens vote for government offices people who they think can do the best for the people and provide them with all their needs, a good system but corruption Stained it completely and change It into Hidden Monarchy in which the Rich becomes richer and the poor poorer while the Money Holders Rules the democratic World.

3) Monarchy: is the most constant system that Rises it head every Where Corrupting all other Systems. Its true form its complete Rule by power, taking whatever they like and leaving only enough for surviving for the poor. A lot of revolutions happens in all ages but the Monarchy always Wins , either by Force or by establishing itself inside the Revolutionary body and comes again in it old constant form . But in the modern time the main Weapons of Monarchy where Weaken, y which I mean Fear, Religion, Lack alternative acceptable Systems, and ignorance. For that it changed Skins into modern Monarchy, using Capitalism Democracy as alternative Power Source, Ruling from behind the scenes, collecting wealth in any way possible. 

4) Socialism : the 1st enemy of Monarchy , for the people to dissolve the Royals and Rule them self, in it the state own the people, it provide them with equal Shelter, food, drink and health care in exchange for individuality, family connections and hope of a batter live . It’s a complete Anti Monarchy system. Though proven Failure for these reasons :

A) Lack of History: a social system is perfected mainly by long ages of tries and fails, it's Rare for Socialism to Rule a country, all systems needs time for the people to accept them and for it Rules to establish them.

B) Changing into Monarchy: it's Shameful, but like all Systems Monarchy Rise it ugly head in the form of Stalin and his student Nikita Khrushchev in USSR , too money killings and taking authority reduce the equality of the system, also fallowed in all sarcastic countries.

C) Too Money enemies: Unlike what most people believe Democracy is Not Anti Socialism, Democracy is Simi Socialism, in which the people have the power not Monarchy, all Citizens are equal, the system need to provide all the People needs, no man above the law, but Modern Capitalism Democracy is indeed a Merchants Monarchy who owns all kind of Authority Plus All the Major Media. So most countries of the World are either Monarchy or Hidden Monarchy. They actually come together to Form Nazism, a sword in which they used to try to cut the USSR down While Renewing their investments by using the CONCENTRATION CAMPS, only after the USSR victory over the Nazi the its owner Allowed their countries Armies to inter Europe and race to protect the USA and Europe Monarchy investments .

Islamic Social System:

Islamic system is a collective order Raise, culture and spread Islam, it strongly Build upon the infidel Right to persuade his happiness in both earth and heaven, every Muslim is his own priest, he work for all the pleasures that he actually need in earth while working Mainly for heaven, spreading Islam and helping others in their earthly and heavenly persuades.

Islamic Ruler is responsible to maintain the system and protect it, he is responsible for every person on his Rule, It Is not a Privilege, anyone who understand Islamic Rule fear of Ruling, It’s a very Large and Harsh Responsibility, in Judgment day he will stand naked and every person and animal in his Rule will come to him and demands His Islamic Rights.

Money is not Privilege in Islam, for every person ever lived will stand in front of Allah and asked about 4 things: his money how did he collected it? And how he spends it? his youth how he wasted it?, what he done in his life ? , and he did with his knowledge? For that the more money someone have the longer he struggle.

Islamic Rules are in forced in all aspects of Islamic Ruled country, I talked a lot about it tin previous plug, and any Ruler who willingly doesn't apply them is a Heathen as Written in Quran.

True Islamic Rulers are chosen the head Islamic Scientists of the State, he himself have to be Islamic Scientist who is strong, Wise and capable, and have to be chosen from wide Range not from only one family or tribe , but because of that conation only few actual Islamic Rules ever Ruled.

No truly fully Islamic Countries exist today, and there are only two countries with Islamic Law practiced, Brunei and Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia. Most Islamic countries either modern Monarchy or Modern Capitalism Democracy. For that any saying that Islamic Rule have failed today is a lie, for there need to be failure Islamic Ruled country to be an example, and there is none.

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