الثلاثاء، 16 يونيو 2015


The important of religion in governance:-

Politics is the most fragile basis in any society, it based on few ruling the many by enriching the strongest among them to steal, rape, suppress the rest.

The ruling few have no rights or privileges against all others; they are only the regulators of the society.

Unless a country is taken and ruled by force the few ruling party have as weak position to rule as a new born child. In that case they can do as they which until someone comes and cut off their heads and change the government.

A society ruled by force is a monarchy even if the rules took another name.

A democracy is proved again and again that it is a sub ruling method in which the few chose someone to deceive the many into believing that he is one of them while the fact he is nothing but a poppet in the hand of the real monarchy who are the money owners, and use there ruling proxy (the democratic president) to make more wealth to keep controlling the country.


Human are all the same, the differences between one from another is only in the skin, put all men to x-ray and they all look the same, there is no gods or angles or aliens visibly living among us, all living visible creatures on earth either conquered or domesticated by the human race, but that’s the real problem, the few ruling class on all the world need to be supreme, they need to be holy, they need to be giants among men to freely suppress them..

From here the blue blood mythology began, the supremacy of the ruling class have to be established, for that a very large lies of myths and customs have to be made, it's not matter just need, it's a matter of survival. A perfect example are the Mamluks, ex-slaves boat by Islamic countries rules to be their soldiers and followers, when the Mongol destroyed the last of abbess rulers they became unstoppable conquers of Islamic countries, until they were stopped by the Mamluks, the Mamluks afterward manage to further defeat the Mongols and build a kingdom that reached Iraq borders .
You expect ex-slaves to be humbled for their lowly origin, but in contrary they thought themselves above the citizen, they build them self as conquers on an occupied land. It's a regular case where a false superiority created by strength in arms.

When people who were actually slave make them self above free people and rule supreme above them, it can give you a state of mind of the ruling class.

Same idea The Normans where strong and war capable, they used to steal and pelage then leave, but they were divided by their own religion and culture which demanded a full time war status and acceptance of death, so much that heaven in their eyes is a never ending battle!!!!, in their religion they were all descended from the gods so no blue blooded monarchy among them, supremacy had to be made against others.
First they had to show their strength in battle, all others have to fear them to death, the mass massacres of the Viking where never random, it was a pure political statement: "we are above all humanity, we kill them and drink from their skulls for we are not human but gods".
Later Christianity was accepted by their rules, for it is a perfect religion to control the masses, to make them humble while their rules become supreme. To add to their strength when the Norman take any land its entire people becomes their slave or knaves as the British ware called, for since 1066 they ruled the UK, though after losing their lands in France after the 100 years' war they slowly lost their lethal edge, until the death of Charles II which changed them to much weaker state of kingship the disgrace the Viking race.

Have you ever heard of heaven edict, it have different name in every culture but the same meaning, the god or gods in the sky write an edict of ruler ship to the monarch dynasty in which only they and their descended can rule, it widely spared and spread by the religious leaders, when the dynasty falls the edict is claim to have change hands to the new rules.

Pharaohs where the extreme example of ruling class they considered them self so godly that they only marry their sister, and if not available a cousin would have to do. Not all Egypt dynasties thought the same way, but even the Ptolemaist who was Greek thought it batter to act as the old Pharaohs.

Their supremacy of rule was the godly kind, for all under their rule is their slave, they acted their part perfectly, you be amazed to hear that some of them were good at their rule, Egyptian (Adaptable by nature) found that making their leaders as gods and worshiping them would make them more merciful and easier to handle, for a fearful Rules is a dangerous ruler. In fact even today the glorifying and praising rules still practices heavenly by them even if it doesn’t work.

Japan emperors is the longest living ruling dynasty today, the lost almost all their power but retained the godhood of their statues.

Greek had a little lighter few of their so called supremacy, they ware much like the Viking in the way they think, but the difference is they didn't make strength their only supremacy reason, they uphold their way of live, governance, beauty and knowledge as their supremacy, which extended through time to the Europe and USA way of thinking, for the myth created is that god gave the whites the mental power to rule and create and the blacks the physical power to serve them.

It’s a proven stupid notion, for today in the USA for example, the physical achievement where mostly to the African originated people, while the Mintel achievement where at large to the far Asian originated, the Rich white European originated people had the money and influence to use and control them with the poor whites, but since they lacked the strength to establish forced supremacy the allowed the illegal Mexican immigrants to inter and work for far less then minimum wage, with it they made more money while forcing the USA citizen into debt and suppression.

But the blue blood USA high class are at least 100 stronger than the average ways, they broke the line the ruling and money owning forever using the false democratic voting system, they were so successful that their agents sprit the globe establishing their underhanded system everywhere, it's the new world order of money enslaving.

Leaving the present behind, does high class supremacy exist in Islam!!!?

Well when the he abbess took control of the Islamic countries after destroying the Umayyads, to do that they used the help of their cousins the Alawites who thought one of them would be the ruler, afterward the abbess massacred the Alawites and established rule, to contain their rule they falsely claimed they have a box containing all the world future as been told by prophet Mohammad, and claim they are the rules of all Islam until judgment day.

They are liars, all Muslim know that the last Islamic Kalif will be a grandson of abbess, but he also the grandson of Alawites, he will rule Islamic world until Jesus land from heaven at last and take over (as a man and prophet not as a god like in Christianity) . But if they really had the book of all future knowledge first they would've known that their rule will only last about 508 years, most of it they were poppets in the hand of Turks, secondly they had to share the knowledge to Muslims or be damned by Allah.

The abbess where the 1st Muslim rules to establish false supremacy, Umayyads who ruled before them had smaller blood connection to Prophet Mohammad, so with strength and wisdom they manage to rule Islamic lands for 132 years, before them the Full Islamic Rule was established for 30 years. The abbess where direct cousins of Prophet Mohammad same as Alawites, after taken care of their rivals they manage to establish their blood line as holy blood line, even though it doesn’t exist in Islam.

The peak of their stupidity and arrogance is when Al-Ma'mun decided that the holy Quran is a creator; he tortured and killed Islamic scientists who refuse this make up idea, his Successors fallow his example until the last strong Abbasid Ruler stopped it, but it was too late for the magnificent picture of them was destroyed and replaced by public hatred.

Shia Know that they can't use Prophet Mohammad to establish direct supremacy, so the use his cousin Ali and his two children Hassan and Hussein (both grandchildren of Prophet Mohammad) to make the Holy bloodline connected to them, they make the new religion to suite their desires, all Shia today are slaves to the so called Masters who claim blood relation to ALI, with it 20% income tax and 1st night Right plus total Obedience is uphold.

Non Islamic religious control:-

The catholic established their Blue blood line after controlling Christianity, the Roman Catholic Pops where infamies with the way the blackmailed and controlled Europe, King John of England actually considered Islam to escape their grip, Henry VIII of England a devoted catholic chose to divorce the Catholic control and establish himself as the head of England church when Spain controlled Rome and the Pop , the deviation from catholic control was a direct result of their using the religion to control the mass to their desires.

But the worse enemy to Rome was proven to be the catholic rules them self, they found by taken over Rome and hold the pop hostage they can use him to say whatever they like, the holy roman empire and France tried and failed, but Spain manage to succeed, Mussolini of Italy the last to use the catholic Pops, he gave them part of Italy called the Vatican to establish Catholics love and his supremacy.

Local religion leaders themselves found by granting the define edict to the rulers they can use them to enhance their statues and wealth, the partnership of Ruling class with both merchants and Religious leaders proved essential for the enhance strength of each of them, to make the masses bow and fear them is the basic of every country Rule.

An add element to the deception is corruption, and I don't mean the corruption of the Rules or Merchants or religious leaders for those are corrupted by nature, but the curtain of the common people, bribes, adultery, alcoholism, thievery, and roguery all part of society poisoning that ejected by the Ruling class to weak the fabric of people, for a sickly body easier to deceive than a healthy one.

Syria, Yamane, Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, India, USA, Jordon and Libyan these countries I personally know the heavy load of corruption in them. If you like to calculate the amount political power in any country you just have to look at corruption level, for the more corruption is injected into a country the more power and influence Rulers and money owners have.

Twenty century politics was decided by the chance taking, underhanded and ruthless USA money owners, since the USA revelation a nationwide preparation for world domination was processed, the French and Spanish weakening that allowed the USA to buy and take by force two thirds of its current land, afterward the civil war was the ultimate setup for strong war ready country, followed by sea expansion and the massacres of the native Americans.

The start of USA money owner's kingship of the USA started with the rail roads and lands grapping, it's easy to see how easy it is to take land at newly established country, monopoly was the money owners way to claim huge wealth's and strong influence in the country . presidents where manipulated into allowing their advance strategy until it was too late to be stopped by the start of world war two when USA money owners and their Europe monarchy partners form the Nazi party, turning Europe into one big concentration camps to produce money for the new world order.

They diverted the USA forces from Europe until the NAZI operations in the USSR proved unprofitable, so they send their order to their German Proxy leader Hitler to stop supplying the anti-communists war and concentrate on fat production of money for them, because of that the USSR managed to recover and march it troops to Europe, then and only then they allowed the USA forces to inter Europe the stop the USSR from invading more territories.

After the death of the last free president Franklin Delano Roosevelt the money owners had full control of the USA, now the start of New World Order which is simply to turn every country on earth to either corrupted owned by merchants, or a dictatorship lead by a Poppet of their make, or precisely to make the planet earth a money factory for the rich and wealthy.

A nicely sadistic ruthless finally established armed with advanced mass killing weapons to insure the lasting of the new world order.

Still all system has problems, the mean one is control of the armies, whenever a ruling class faced with revelation the army has to be applied to massacre the mass, for example: the Rules of
Tunisia, Yamane, Egypt, and USSR lost their rule because the army refused to massacre the people. while in countries like Syria and Libya arm forces used to mass massacre the revolt , while Libya Gaddafi Rule fall Couse of outside help, Syria Bashar al-Assad still at large thanks to outside countries help .

P.S: modern rule is oligarchy, which is when a group of citizens rule a country based on their wealth and ability and control the military, which the Sparta method, I keep saying monarchy because its common and easier to understand .

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