الثلاثاء، 2 يونيو 2015


History is a point of few description of a past events , written by the hand of imaginative searchers, who use their minds to link the events and human characters in a story line half fictional tale, describing not the true events as they happens but the emotions that evolved . But the fabric of history is impossible to be detected, for it’s made from many colour threats that can be shaped into a lot of structures.

Historians are detectives who use all the information they have synchronize it then shape it again according to their non-objective opinions, and the worst kind of historians are religious ones, for them any history detail that defy the believes is nothing but a heathen lie, Christian scholars for example had a lot of dislikes in the bible's New Testament, so they wrote footnotes on the pages for they text they think should be written, it was innocent enough if it remain so, for when another copy it made the footnotes in the main text, actually twisting god ward to fit their believe, it was method used so often that the who New Testament became the very different meaning from the Old Testament, and that’s why there is so many bibles. 

To see how history works a very good example is 9/11, a stupidly organized fake terrorist attack by the CIA, supervised by Gorge bush junior himself, the strings of deception was to loosely made that they would be enormously laughable if not for the thousands that where assassinated by the USA government to achieve the wars they wanted and arise the evidences of their trillion dollars thefts.

When I saw the fake attacked I was at the new Hollywood cinematic event that was made, friends told me it was a terrorist attack but when I saw the perfectly organized 3 buildings bull, which was exactly how a building is demolished in the USA I personally knew it. It was easy for me for I'm a films fan that has seen building demolition documentary and have no emotional attachment to what happened, objectively the lies ware easy to see. I have to congratulate the USA on the huge Cooperation in covering it tracks, still to today Hollywood again and again and again insist in building the events hypnotic effect, to move its citizen emotions like puppets in believing their lies, in marvel latest film the avenger 2, they made a another building collapse by the hand of Iron man and the hulk, mimicking the 9/11 after shock and people dusty impressions, it was beautiful shoot, made to remind directly of 9/11.
Since 9/11 a large bowl horn broadcast to the world: "9/11 is a TURREREST attack on USA soil, to defend it both Afghanistan and Iraq most fall, all Muslims are potential terrorists, all the world have to support us in our military activates against anyone who we call a terrorist", the USA military and Merchants become heavily indulged it enormous anti freedom activities it became drunk with joy.
Afterward a recession hit the USA and the world as result, a brief pause was force upon them, but the beautiful joy of war and blunder was so addictive another 9/11 must be made, but since the 9/11 lie was found another different EVENT must be made, something remind the people of 9/11 non directly, so the new CIA agents called ISIS, an Israeli led Islamic clothed organization protracts by the media to make events that leads to disorder in the Middle East , a lot of the lies actually appeared but the USA government Blow horns will never stop it lies. 

But what about history? , what 9/11 have to do with history writing? 

Well if the USA government with all the knowledge today was able to make all this lies, imagine how the old time governments did, every government in every country change the history to fit it existence, the history today is totally different described and written from 100 years later and 100 years before, local politics use all its power to change what is writing to establish control, for to control the future the past have to be Censored.

Human are creative liars, the falsify wars, religions, characters, and anything they want, so what is the need of history if it's mostly mad up?

History has his own lovers, detected people throughout man's existence who make it their job to detect the lies in history and explain them, they are the historic investigators, unlike histories who emotionally write the events according to their own believes and making stories as they go along, historic investigators study the character of the author, how he was raised, who do he loved, who bay him and who edit his work. He compares his stories to others and makes inelegant judgment about what is the actual truth.
Of course those investigators have their own faith agendas and would likely lie and change history if they can, for that their objectivity always under question mark, but still unlike the author who is free to write, any change they do get noticed and judged by the historian society and the readers, their ethics and truth search is the only way to be respected and accepted by historic community.

Never the less truthful accorded history is a meth, never existed and never will, so what to Read!!!? .

Historian society as a whole decided that the only way is have truthful enough history is to collect it, study each event by itself from many sources, write what they all agree on as a fact, then allow history writers to choose their favourites of the others, it's not lies it’s a simple fact of live, everyone want the history that his faith, society and politics allow, those who oppose find their books burned and themselves to be tried as liars, while the same books would be widely accepted and polished by the opposing countries .

For a person to read history 1st he have to decide his faith then choose the writer who is the nearest to this faith then read his books, but for histories that one have objective opinions on, he is free to read as he likes, for after all the most detailed, biggest ever, beautifully described fairy tales and novels ever existed is the history books.


P.S: it seems in my writing that I hate history, in fact I love it, but for people like me who read a lot of history and see it change and change and change again, played upon by people with power it's obvious human history has been made a chess piece in an endless game of deceit.

my eyes can see right from wrong

but my heart is locked never to see

for if evil is man and man is mad

then history is blind, deaf with no feel

for when the pen is locked in an invent lie

and merchants rule the human kind 

no need for senses just weather and die

accept the unacceptable or never mind

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