الاثنين، 16 نوفمبر 2015

9/11 and 13/11 truth

When I 1st seen the events of 9/11 at TV It was strange, immediately I thought "what kind of a movie is this, is it worth seeing in the cinema", well the answer is "No", for who would go to a movie where building get attacked by plains, the others  around ne told me it’s a real event, but when I saw the fall of the building I know for a fact it was fake, for any person who ever sow how the building blown up from the basis in the USA can see how it's the only way for a building to free fall like this .
But the Western people never failed me, as the shock started to fade, thousands started to question the act, they collected data, made theories and drone evidence backed conclusions that answered the questions that I couldn't have.
People hate war-War is disgusting-Only the rich provide by war-All others suffer

Men are such cheap creators
So cheap they spill blood for lies
They build up Fortunes
That seems like mountains
But only joy them is taking lives
Some are nothing if not disgusting
Some are stupid the rest Benile
They live like Rabbits and die like garbage
What a wasteful existence
What a shameful denial  

The CIA made the 9/11 event in Paris, they selected Friday 13 so all the Freemasons and elimination would prepare to prejudgment time events, it's time to Europe armies to endear Syria to aid the USA against Russia and it's Allies.

Q: why the Richest people of the world, the 1% who control 99% of all human wealth don't just enjoy their wealth and leave humanity in peace?

A: to Rule as a king is a commoner dream, to Rule like a God is is the Dream of kings.

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