الاثنين، 16 نوفمبر 2015

Methodology of bloodlust

The planet earth was fully filled by humans, billions lived on it service, the where united upon worship of 5 human like statues, they were giants 60 feet tall and live to 1000 years at the time, Allah send Noah to all of them, he called them to worship only Allah for 350 years, they call him mad man and try to kill him every day, and every day he regain perfect health and call them again, finally Allah talled him that no other human other than him, his three children and their families will accept the call of Allah, so Noah asked Allah to kill all the human race but for the faithful ones, and to clean it from their filth.

Allah accepted his prayer, all heathens where killed among them Noah heathen wife and her heathen Son.

Was it a Bloodlust that drove him?

No, absolutely not, in fact it was mercy, for once Allah told him of their never ending heathenism he know that all their bread will become like them, so a reboot for the human race was in order, and so he sadly accepted the price of the cleansing.

But why did I mansion it?

Well, the biggest Massacre on the face of humanity was made with Zero bloodlust, Noah used his one shot perfect prayer (every Prophet has only one) to erase almost all humanity at the time, so it had to be said.

Bloodlust is a strange Phenomenon; slavery is the regular way for dealing with enemies at the worst case the woman are spared to be raped, and the children are mostly slaved of adopted, fully Exterminating an enemy is strange, it's a declaration of being from another superior race concentering the defeated enemy of another species, mainly animals at best.

Guo Jia the main adviser of Coa Coa (a known chines Ruler) had a very horrific Idea, capture one city and erase all its population, by doing that he spread fear through all of china, capturing most of china through terror before the defeat of Redcliff stopped the endless march of unification.

The horrifying part is it didn't apply the usual massacre reasoning of different race or religion, it was just a tactic of war made with no bloodlust by a dying man with the only possible reason is to give his master a masterful conquering advantage before the adviser dies!!!.

Jerusalem, the common holy place to all godly religions, manly Muslims, Christians and Jaws, at the time of the 1st Crusade it housed mainly Muslims, Orthotics Christians and jaws, when the crusaders came the force that took Jerusalem was the Templers knights, who were mainly Satan worshipers acting under the catholic church banner who united it force with the Byzantine Orthotics church to erase Islam.

The Jerusalem massacre accord 1099 A.D, no one was spared, with bloodlust the Templers killed them all, the crime was never forgiven, the byzantine empire stopped aiding the crusaders after the 1st crusade, also the later allied them self with the Muslims against the Crusaders and where great help against the 3rd Crusade, while the Catholic church, waited until they had no use for them then made the target of the 1st Inquisition, for they knew that Satan worshipers are worse enemy than Muslims.Logically a massacre is done by a large group against a smaller one, but yet in contrary the usual Massacres are done by the lesser groups against the many, bloodlust is not the main factor, that would be the mathematical calculations, when conquering a larger state by lesser Numbered army it's important to make the Numbers less and less important, terror is one important way to achieve victory (the other two are dividing the enemy camp and allying with one or some of them against the others).

In battles Massacres is a common aspect, in fact erasing a complete enemy is a source of pride, in china alone during the warner states 400,000 men were buried alive by the Qin kingdom soldiers, another 400,000 from the Qin Dynasty were buried alive by the revolting armies, a lot of bloodlust happen in the field of battle, so nothing strange about it.

Simple mathematics are the cause of most massacres the involve women and children, difference in Numbers between 2 vows not only decide the probability of a massacre but also the size of it, it's common for those with smaller numbers to reduce forcefully the Numbers of their enemies as much as possible. For example the Mongols, only 200,000 horsemen managed to conquer Asia and north the Middle East by massacring tens of Milionis of people and using fear to force them to fight each other and to open their doors to be massacred.

The USA is a country builds mostly upon a systematic erasing of Native Americans using massive Numbers of emigrants and biological weapons (chicken box) to achieve the target.

Modern Israel was designed and build in the same way the USA did, today Jaw are 3/4 the population but at the start of the 20th century they were 8.8%, and before that they were minority , massacres where the prime cause of that success, for it drove the Arabs out of palatine and cleared land for the jaws emigrants, the founders of Israel ware proud to declare that The Sabra and Shatila Massacre (counted as one of ten worse massacres by human hands) where the foundation stone in making Isreal.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where a USA Propaganda to show the world it's power, now that’s an endless Bloodlust that can never be filled, when a country kill about a million human just to show the world it can it might as well do it again to prove it is able to. When general Douglas MacArthur sow how strong North Korea he wanted to Use the Atom bomb against them, the USA Government declined and replaced him, the reason was simple, showing cards and playing them where two very different matters, massacring millions of people to show strength has become a game to be played with zero bloodlust and zero compassion.

So what does bloodlust has to do with religions!?
Well everything!!!
The only thing to stop massacres is compassion, as a rule all humanity have different degrees of compassion, religions quite this compassion toward the religious leaders target, for that bloodlust is a beast controlled only by religion, and whenever religion weakens or religious leaders corrupted bloody massacres happens, and so the way of the world.

Thus Atheists are the best mass killers, the Kill with even a zero bloodlust, and no matter how much they kill they fear no afterlife judgment.

Islam is anti-killing, massacres, and blood lust, and the best thing about Sunni Islam is it easiness to reach everyone, and there is no religious leaders to change Quran or the faith of Islam.

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