الثلاثاء، 19 يوليو 2016

East vs West

Since the dawn of time humanity was either divided mainly to two sides, though four times all humanity where ruled by one king, but always division is constant humanity behavior.
It doesn't matter wither war or peace, humanity divide it self.
Unification is a fragile structure, made by need and can only be mentioned by force
I could describe 1000 examples latterly if I had the time and petitions but they all be useless if they not match the current worries
The current situation of the world evolves about the divisions in the west while the east strongly being unenvied.
The key word here is USA economy.
For since the Fall of the USSR the USA took over the a world leader like a storm, the eastern forces had no problem with that as it needed time to reestablish it strength and find the right leaders for advancement. 
2007 the USA a world war 3 end of time clock, a clock which it could easily stopped by sacrificing some of its unstable fragile monetary structure allowing failing banks and companies to fall like dominos, rebuilding itself in less than 10 years, meanwhile the world would've established its old firmly based older world order, giving the world another 100 hounded years more to live. 
Yet the USA Owners decided it is time for the end game, it's time for all or nothing world ending tragic Song.
Europe knew from the start the kind of Finish game the USA are planning, how could they not when the USA owners almost own all Europe, the USA has started its end clock in 2007 and its continuing, for that purpose they selected a half black president as the face of doom, someone who would continue the destruction of the USA while everybody clapping for him just for having a black face, next a woman selected since 2002 to replace him, to take over the ending of the USA while every USA citizen clapping for her just for being a woman.
Strongly the Europe union is dissolving slowly; it seems that they are preparing it countries like pins to fell down in one strike by as the USA fell down.
All the Islamic regions of course connected to this, it's very important that all their countries to fell down as the strike hit them all in a massive world panting End. 

the eastern powers are no fools, as the west destroying itself to establish one big Capitalist Monarchy owned completely by the banks, Russia, China, India, South Africa And Brazil plus Iran who is still not confirmed member, are preparing to survive the end game, they formed so strong of a union that the USA Owners full hesitated to start WW 3, they wanted Syria to be the start land of the war, but they still couldn't manage to bring Europe to join her even though the constantly sending USA operatives to terrorize Europe into joining her crusade.
Syria being in the center of all Islamic country is perfect to make the largest deconstructions of the war full heavily upon the Islamic country, there are billions of people to be killed so it's not an easy task, a complete hatred is needed, with a wide bloody genocide to be acted from the building of the New World Order.

It's a bitty, when all the world made of fools, killing few billion humans, is nothing to even thing of, for the result is all what count.  

الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2016


It to late to know or acknowledge the truth, as the victories owners of the USA announced in a big celepration that times when the USA PUPLIC could've stoped the end of the approaching disroction of USA has ended, as their representive stote and thanked the well paid media for their rule in covering the citizens eyes and profocong mass hustility among them self.
Yet hear again I state the facts that no one read.

1913: the USA the free country was soled to 5 familys by giving the the USA currony printing, starting the end game for the USA.
1914: the jaws started world war l
1917: the jaws ended the russin empire and ruled Russian soil, in the same time they forced britin to give  them palastain in exchange for USA endering the war.
1920: the hero stalin stole russia from the hands of th jaws and become their no.1 enemy.
1918-1939 while stealing all germany resourses the jaw gave money to the arabien jaws to prpare for the establishment of ISREAL.
A proxy of the jawish build Nazi regim was stated in gemany where he used 2 trillion dollers (adjusted for infloation) given to him by USA NAZI HEADQURDERS and the royalties of the UK and NEATHERLAND to make europe into big consentration camp, providing them at least 4 times the investments all too 1943 when the failers to destroy th USSR Forced them into wrapping the whole operation.
With europe gold at USA Hands it manage to estaplish it corrency as the base for almost all world cirrancy  exchange plus secretly printing non gold backed money, which was discovered by Charlies Degul forcing the USA into exchanging gd backing for oil by forcing the oil makers in the world to only sell oil by dollers.

But still owning the USA completly NEEDED another step, so the made presedant Carter petry the USA and sign a registration allowing them to directly by presidential campains, since then all american protestants become a totel slaves of the USA FINANCE KINGS with there only porpose is to enrish them while stealing from the poplic.

الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2016


Feminism is charging female gender against the male gender making a wedge between the two and cutting the fabric of regular family like a knife through butter.

Homosexuality provide a main power for the movement, for lespians hatred for all male kind make them the perfect leaders of the movement, plus with their zero need for sex with the male gender make them less suitable to the enemy influence. Plus male homosexuality steal a whole punch of males to the movement weakening the male image not to mention the gender change from male to female.

Heterosexual men are the main enemies of the movement, this disgusting creature (to them) that ruled earth since the start of humanity most be replaced by female, for the main target is supersite of females over all human kind.

Nudity is the most effective weapon the movement, for when women show off their bodies and move around having sex from one man to another they manage to achieve freedom from one man control, destroy family men image by having sex with them, achieve high value by using sex to get money and statues, get closer to male statues by getting the ability to easily change partners, getting pregnant which enable less work successful females to blackmail men and extract their hard earned money. Plus it pleases the lesbians a lot.

A Muslim woman is disgusting to the feminist movement, for their fully covering cloths, their modesty, their content to have only one man!!!!, who is her husband!!!!, plus a lot of them dare to stay home and raise the children!!!!.

For freemasons forever anti-Islamic movement feminism is a great weapon, for it was decided a long time ago that destroying Islam can best be made through destroying the Islamic families fabric, for men are stronger at faith than women who lack Islamic knowledge and see their lives as women many times harder than men for pregnancy and raising the children and taking care of the house while needing to satisfy men needs, and even the wealthy ones have a hard time stopping their husbands from marrying another, specially that Islam allow a man to have to 4 wives if he can do the justice even though Allah states that: "and you will not do them justice".

The feminist movement shows it appeal to a lot of Muslim women it truly set them free from god and men control, seeking true independents for their desire, and their new lack of modesty interested the men who desire unattached commitment by both adultery and temporary marriages, also by showing their bodies and attracting men by talks and smiles, those Muslim women found more work benefits and money, and with endless beautiful things to buy and enjoy, even strict Islamic woman fell to the traps of the west, easing the way to drive men to anti-Islamic roads including bribes, thievery, lying, adultery, and forgery which all damnation Sins in Islam.

الثلاثاء، 16 فبراير 2016

Testing god

Allah is the most merciful of all, but for one group of humanity his mercy is stopped, he send then thousands of prophets that they either kill or claim false, they return as heathens thousands of time, so he damn them all and all their after children, and only by leaving their religion and worship Allah alone that they can escape the everlasting god damnation.
Those heathens lasted very long until they reached the final conclusion that earth is to only heaven they will ever have without leaving there heathen religion, for that they seek earthly immortality while planning vengeance against God himself, they used there knowledge in their holy book (which god provided for the through his prophet) to prepare earth for the coming of the Antichrist, who is their futuristic king who reach all over the world calling for his worship, and for that they joint hand with Christian's money owner who seek to quickly bringing Jesus.

94% of all world money is owned by the filthy heathens who plan to destroy the planed and there followers, a well-oiled machine is organized to squeeze humanity into accepting the anti-Christ as their savior, and when he comes he will call himself Jesus and all Christians, Jaws will follow him, as well as other Religious group and specially the Islamic Called Shia, who are faithfully waiting for him the Avenge their beloved Persia from the Arabs.

السبت، 16 يناير 2016


The price for going for heaven

People divide mainly into two groups:

1) People who believe in after life.

2) People who believe nothing will happen. 

For the non-believers there road is set, live life to the fullest, and enjoy as much as you can from it, have no concussions and fear no repercussions, the ultimate USA dream.

For the believers afterlife have a price and conditions to achieve all the joys after death and ovoid a bad ending, and they the divide basically into two groups:

1) Non god believers.

2) God believers.

Both groups differ but basically both know that a price must be bayed to achieve the ending bath. These things that buy this achievement can be easily categorized to the following:

1) Money, weather gold, silver, Currency… etc.

2) Women.

3) Children.

4) Own live and blood.

5) Animals.

6) Land.

7) Owned moveable properties.

8) Time.

Though eight are the most used for price value for the afterlife and in each religion there is focus on one or some of them more than the others.

And here is the price range according to each religion:-

1st Buddhism:-

the most demanding religion of all, to be a monk you have to give away all the eight and stat endless live of beggary, though it much easier for the fallowers for only money payment required to cross a river that lead to joining the body of Buda. But the most pricy item they require is time.

2nd Hinduism:-

Few religions can be as completed as Hinduism, for it was made of hundreds of differed Indian religions with a lot of Gods and stories and Rules, it's a religion made to unite the differs warrior based India as one, Indians pay heavy prices for Unification and peace, this price include:

1) Animals: Never eating meat and praying to them.

2) Money: Paying tributes to the temples.

But mainly the afterlife is not in different world but in earth itself as incarnation, which is a very lousy deal to begin with.

Also there is no hell so that's another Bad or good deal according to the person view.

3rd Aristocracy made Religions like Old Catholic Rome, Grease Religions and the Viking's:

And also a lot of other thought made-up religions, all bay the temples and all sacrifice animals for their Gods, but whatever their Rank or statues in earth is the same in heaven, for that Roman emperors where made into gods while living or after death, an Aristocracy Pipe dream that was cast away by God Based Religions.

Next we have the God based Religions:-

First Judaism:-

In Judaism only Good Jaws go to heaven, and as for Bad Jaws they burn 7 days in hell then transfer to heaven. As for the price, it's higher than most people know, and it contain the following:-

1st Humanity:-

They wrote that the are the Sons of God and so all others are like animals, whatever they do, say, or make of these animals is their own choice, which is very Dark few of other humanity to give to children, at best they will treat the Non-Jaws with compassion if they have the upper hand, and if not they will bow their heads to them and try to use them as humanity use animals.

2nd to be hated by all Christianity:

In Christianity jaw are the murders of their beloved god, for that until the end of World War II Christians gave a lot of Crusades to erase the Jaws from the earth, in fact so that 90% of all Jaws today are not the sons of Israel, but other races mostly Polish dependents who adapted Judaism to be free to rule from the hands of both Othman Islam Empires and from the catholic church strict demands.

Muslims defended Jaws in their land, and gave them Knowledge, safety and possibilities of great positions and wealth, all impossible under Christians Rule until the 19th century.

3rd Damnation:For denial the prophecy of all prophets (including Muses at 1st) , killing hundreds of prophets, plus heathenism Allah gave them a Unique sentence, a hereditary damnation until judgment day, and can only escape it by fallowing God prophets, whom the last two of them ware Prophet Jesus and Prophet Mohammad.

4th Tributes: - to be presented to the Temples and sacrifices. 
Second Christianity:-

Christianity today is widely known and spread, it have many aspects, as for the price of heaven it's mainly Money as tributes to churches and time spend in Sunday prayers, it's not much, and the priests have very law demands from the public, though the Catholic church had so much demands that John II considered changing to Islam, and the Khazar kingdom changed it faith to Judaism, it was mainly because of their demand of obedience and large tributes, and since it lost most of its power it became law demanding and more acceptable.

Thirdly Sunni Islam:

You would think I say that Islam is less demanding of all religions, but then I would be lying, In Islam all creatures of earth are slaves of one and only superior being who has many names but mainly Allah, he is very demanding, but those demands ease a lot according the person capability, the Utmost easiness is Zero for people who are under puppetry or asleep or in a coma, or Mad, but for the average Muslim it's an endless way of life.

The main prices are:
1) Time: prayers daily take Minimum half an hour daily in 5 different times.
2) Money: A tax of 2.5% of all the money not used for a complete year (moving money do not ably)
3) Haj: every Muslim have the money and health to make Haj and Umrah is required once in a life time to do it, which is a very big task.
4) Forever Self judgments: the only True Religious leader is Islam is one self, once he Surrender that Right to others he stops being a Muslim and enter the Realm of deceptions and lies, for every man is entrusted his own Soul and no one but himself responsible for it safety in the afterlife, Shia, Qaeda and ISIS are three examples of those who gave their faith to others to control and judge them.
5) Fasting 29-30 days a year during day times.


I talked a lot about Shia but the Main Prices of their Religion are:

1) To be fully control by their Master (same as Jaw Rabies).
2) 1st night Right of any bride has to be given to one of the masters.
3) 20% tax on all errand money. 
4) 10 minutes time all it takes to finish all day prayers and can be done all in same time.

السبت، 9 يناير 2016

liars, liars, liars

The lies you learn from all media:
1) Money is all that matter (be rich r be damned)
2) All Religions are evil but for Judaism it's pure good
3) Aliens exists
4) God doesn't exit (unless you are a Jew)
5) Lucifer is good.
6) Angels are evil.
7) Prophets are liars.
8) Afterlife doesn’t exist.
9) Marriage is bad and disgusting.
10) Faithfulness is a lie.
11) Homosexuality is good and everywhere.
12) Experimental sex is good a common.
13) USA system is owned by the rich but still can work.
14) JFK was killed by one very lucky shooter.
15) 9/11 is not a USA government made play.
16) Invading other countries, killing randomly, Raping, and stealing all are a self defense measures.
17) Man is the creator.
18) The USA is a free country.
19) Dept is money.
20) The poor can be rich without stealing.
21) The human will see the 22th century.
22) The USA is the world leader not the world destroyer.
23) Homosexuality marriage is 100 time batter in hetrosexual marriages.
24) Adultery is as common as drinking water.
25) All kind of sex is good, but married people sex is boring.
26) White people are good people.
27) Non white people are evil.
28) All Muslims and Arabs are terrorists.
29) Christianity is a lie and it’s evil.
30) The USA precedents are not Rich people puppets.
31) Rich people can go to jail.
32) American soldiers don’t take civilian lives.

When will the western People learn that most of the world is run by Satan worshipers and Evil rich jaws, and that God damnation is at hand?

The answer: Properly only as they die!!!