الثلاثاء، 19 يوليو 2016

East vs West

Since the dawn of time humanity was either divided mainly to two sides, though four times all humanity where ruled by one king, but always division is constant humanity behavior.
It doesn't matter wither war or peace, humanity divide it self.
Unification is a fragile structure, made by need and can only be mentioned by force
I could describe 1000 examples latterly if I had the time and petitions but they all be useless if they not match the current worries
The current situation of the world evolves about the divisions in the west while the east strongly being unenvied.
The key word here is USA economy.
For since the Fall of the USSR the USA took over the a world leader like a storm, the eastern forces had no problem with that as it needed time to reestablish it strength and find the right leaders for advancement. 
2007 the USA a world war 3 end of time clock, a clock which it could easily stopped by sacrificing some of its unstable fragile monetary structure allowing failing banks and companies to fall like dominos, rebuilding itself in less than 10 years, meanwhile the world would've established its old firmly based older world order, giving the world another 100 hounded years more to live. 
Yet the USA Owners decided it is time for the end game, it's time for all or nothing world ending tragic Song.
Europe knew from the start the kind of Finish game the USA are planning, how could they not when the USA owners almost own all Europe, the USA has started its end clock in 2007 and its continuing, for that purpose they selected a half black president as the face of doom, someone who would continue the destruction of the USA while everybody clapping for him just for having a black face, next a woman selected since 2002 to replace him, to take over the ending of the USA while every USA citizen clapping for her just for being a woman.
Strongly the Europe union is dissolving slowly; it seems that they are preparing it countries like pins to fell down in one strike by as the USA fell down.
All the Islamic regions of course connected to this, it's very important that all their countries to fell down as the strike hit them all in a massive world panting End. 

the eastern powers are no fools, as the west destroying itself to establish one big Capitalist Monarchy owned completely by the banks, Russia, China, India, South Africa And Brazil plus Iran who is still not confirmed member, are preparing to survive the end game, they formed so strong of a union that the USA Owners full hesitated to start WW 3, they wanted Syria to be the start land of the war, but they still couldn't manage to bring Europe to join her even though the constantly sending USA operatives to terrorize Europe into joining her crusade.
Syria being in the center of all Islamic country is perfect to make the largest deconstructions of the war full heavily upon the Islamic country, there are billions of people to be killed so it's not an easy task, a complete hatred is needed, with a wide bloody genocide to be acted from the building of the New World Order.

It's a bitty, when all the world made of fools, killing few billion humans, is nothing to even thing of, for the result is all what count.  

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