الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2016


It to late to know or acknowledge the truth, as the victories owners of the USA announced in a big celepration that times when the USA PUPLIC could've stoped the end of the approaching disroction of USA has ended, as their representive stote and thanked the well paid media for their rule in covering the citizens eyes and profocong mass hustility among them self.
Yet hear again I state the facts that no one read.

1913: the USA the free country was soled to 5 familys by giving the the USA currony printing, starting the end game for the USA.
1914: the jaws started world war l
1917: the jaws ended the russin empire and ruled Russian soil, in the same time they forced britin to give  them palastain in exchange for USA endering the war.
1920: the hero stalin stole russia from the hands of th jaws and become their no.1 enemy.
1918-1939 while stealing all germany resourses the jaw gave money to the arabien jaws to prpare for the establishment of ISREAL.
A proxy of the jawish build Nazi regim was stated in gemany where he used 2 trillion dollers (adjusted for infloation) given to him by USA NAZI HEADQURDERS and the royalties of the UK and NEATHERLAND to make europe into big consentration camp, providing them at least 4 times the investments all too 1943 when the failers to destroy th USSR Forced them into wrapping the whole operation.
With europe gold at USA Hands it manage to estaplish it corrency as the base for almost all world cirrancy  exchange plus secretly printing non gold backed money, which was discovered by Charlies Degul forcing the USA into exchanging gd backing for oil by forcing the oil makers in the world to only sell oil by dollers.

But still owning the USA completly NEEDED another step, so the made presedant Carter petry the USA and sign a registration allowing them to directly by presidential campains, since then all american protestants become a totel slaves of the USA FINANCE KINGS with there only porpose is to enrish them while stealing from the poplic.

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