الجمعة، 29 مايو 2015

Democracy in Islamic view

Through human history the ruling systems of the world changed, all changes were human experiments that faced more wrongs than rights in their progress. 

In a one group nation, Democracy exists, with all the people equals and with the rulers changeable, the most visible example the village system. 

If there is a two groups men nation both groups would want to be chose the leader but both need to accept the second existence , which is the only time all the nation are not equals but not stable. 

If there is 3 groups nation one group can chose the leader and they would be the upper class, by that they would be the behind the scene leader making it a three class system, the leader, the upper class and the follower, which can only happens in a Prosperous country, where all the followers can be happy even with large inequality. 

In a 4 groups nation, the 1st leading class is chosen by the 2nd upper class who maintain the system structure by employing 3rd meddle class who subdue the 4th poor class to provide the uppers classes with wealth. That is monarchy 

A 5 group nation is different, it’s a disaster system, in which in which the monarch system so powerful it actually create a lower than poor 5th class that is homeless, it’s a disaster because they have nothing to lose, the 3rd strong class either sympathies with them and lead them which is revelation or fight them to death which is called massacres. 

So what is democracy? 

The 1st democracy was a familiar system, in which every citizen is equal to others, heroes, leaders, upper class all are not accepted , it proved that the public leading a country is impossible , for by killing their leaders and heroes one after another they striped themselves of all strength and lost their independence. 

Rome at it start was democratic system that accept leadership and heroism but as it grow it became 3 groups nation losing it forever. 

Modern democracy is only a nostalgic name given to a four and five groups nations. is a purely fake notion used to seducing the masses into believing that what they say and write matters, it’s a perfect anti revelation monarchy system , in which the world wide anti-democratic rulers of the world can disguise their true monarchy system . 

It structure is very simple: 

1) 1st class the leaders : all of them have to be from the upper class or chosen by them , they have to be blindly loyal to the second class or they get killed . example john f. Kennedy . 

2) 2nd uppers class: wealth, power and Influence all in their hands, they are the true leaders of the world, they kill, they steal, they rape, nothing should be beyond their control. they stand beside  monarchy when it's strong and visible , and when it's not accepted it steps into the shadows choosing popits rules while managing it's own affairs . it wealth only start decreasing with revolutions, all other changes increase it wealth especially it most rewarding WAR .     

3) 3rd middle class : the sword that cut revolution head, that take from the poor and give to the rich, the1st defenders of the system, the 2st to rise with it , the 1st to fall if it's fall, they are the liars, the the day and night thieves, they are the soldiers, the merchants, the lawyers, the law enforcement, the money makers, the media and the criminals, In fact everyone who isn't working by his own hands or teaching  is not among the 2nd or 1st classes is in the 3rd middle class, and the more they are the sicker and more pathetic the system is . For they are the safety valve, the more control needed the more their numbers. examples : all Lawyers, actors, artists, singers, merchants, soldiers, all media workers and police force, in fact anyone who support the system or work for it is among the 3rd class weather they like it or not .

4) 4th working class : everyone who is actually useful is less than the middle class, the fixers, the makers, the farmers, the cleaners, and the builders are all in the 4th lowest lest, for they are the commoners who must be controlled by the middle class. Laws, taxes, media, sickness and fear all the weapons needed by the middle class for that.  tey include the firefighters, the 

5) 5th the homeless: both 3rd and 4th class can turn into the unwanted class, the can be easily wiped, killed or taken care off , but for the 3rd and 4th classes to see the end of NOT FOLLOWING the 2nd class rules . 

Communism is the enemy of monarchy democracy, in which the middle class use the lower classes to take over the country , making it a two class nation , a 1st ruling class that is few in numbers and a people 2nd class that are all equal and all provided for. But Communism all over the world with time turned into a monarchy which makes it a close sister to the democratic monarchy that rules most countries today. 

What all politician know but would never say is that all kind of systems are monarchies, whither one or 2 or10 or even 1000 rule a country its all the same, all systems of the world are fallowing the same rules which is : 

1) If a country is very rich and a strong monarchy is established a 5 group's nation established, those countries like the USA, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India and Egypt. 

2) If a country is very rich but the strong monarchy to fully control it a three group system is established in which a mass thievery allowed but still a huge prosperity is maintained, examples are Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, and Scandinavian countries. 

3) If the country is very rich but the monarchy have not yet full control of the people a 4 group system is made, in which the lower classes actually provided for even if the monarchy don't like it, examples are: England. 

4) Control is led by the 2nd class using the 3rd class. 

5) Any means needed is allowed for control. 

6) Death, sickness, disasters, wars, peace and accidents all most provide money to the upper class. 

7) The 4th and 5th classes are animal that can be used as necessary to prove money for the 2nd class which in turn uses it to control the 1st class. 

8) No 4th or 5th have any rights or can decide who becomes the leader of the country, the upper class chose the poppets that the animal chose a leaders from, those poppets will do as the monarchy say or face John Kennedy fate . 

9) The 3rd class is the main class, they most by provided for, nurtured, and controlled, lack of control lead to revelation, return of control means reestablish monarchy which exactly what happened to Egypt. 

10) Since the 1st class in a lot of countries is decided by voting , any other country 2nd class can control any of these countries leaders, which is why in the USA the upper class forbid any foreign money to inter election , it is stupid to allow any other party to control their slave poppet . 

11) Any country leader can only have a voice if he or she born from the 2nd class providing the leader enhances his wealth. 

12) United country is anti-monarchy; all that people have to be divided by any means, a genus method is allow a lot of emigrants in Simi united country. This would provide a new group who take jobs from the citizen for lower bay, which provide more wealth for the 2nd class and dived and weaken the lower classes. 

13) Religion is a main power to control the people, the difference are: 

a) For countries that have a stable strong religion it is easy to use it to control the masses like Spain, Italy, Thailand, Israel and Saudi Arabia. 

b) For countries that with a lot of religions division is necessary to establish strong rule, examples are: USA. 

c) For countries with few ruling religions a balance should be made by reducing the strength of the main religion and increasing the other religions influence, examples: Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, and Bahrain. 

A lot of people talk about uniting the world, what they don't know is that the world is united, 1% have 99% of the world wealth and control 100% of the countries of the world, they are the upper class, they are the earth destroyers, they are the monarchies of the world, it's very bad era of lies and greed , in an Islamic rules country there is no monarchy , the wealth of the nation is divided to provide for the people , an Islamic Rule was asked by a city Governor for money to build wall to protect the city, he said :"take the money divided among the people, let their prays protect their city" for there is no stronger wall than prosperity. In this man rule no one dared to attack his vast country, for what kind of fool would attack a country that the charity is offered to all but no one takes it, for they had no fear from tomorrow and all provided for. 

Islamic Rule is a two group system , in which the rules organize the life of the people, protect and provide for them, they are the 1st class but have no privileges, they are not allowed any riches or have any control over the Islamic law or any majesty non whatever . The last Islamic rule ended 30 years after the death of prophet Mohammad, it happened again for 1.5 years by the last Islamic ruler ever Omar Bin Abdul-Aziz.
Monarchy proved that it's impossible to be discarded; it proved victories against Islamic rule, Democracy, and Communism. So I call all the true working class: don't be fooled by the Media, it's nothing but 3rd class filth used by the upper class to play you like fool, seek knowledge not brainwash, and never ever trust anyone in an official cloths, those who work with their hands and make something are the human being, those who pay to control the masses or get paid to do it are worthless money slaves. Respect the true working class, pity the 5th class, ignore the 3rd class, and despise and hate all the 1st and 2nd class for they are the true filth not the homeless.

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