الثلاثاء، 25 أغسطس 2015

Anti-religion media

Anti-religion media
This topic is strange at best, each religion and even each different part of it usually declare itself the righteous one, entire countries are based on one much regarded and protected religion. Italy, Spain, Ireland, north Ireland Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Morocco and many other countries have the same way of religious thinking, where protecting the religion is a state priority.  
There is other countries who have stable majority Ruled religion, but yet protecting it is a secondary matter can be overlooked, which either due result of lack of convection of the governments for this religion or cause of outside influence which is mainly the USA today (before them it was the colonies owner influence like the UK, France, and Italy).
Examples of Those countries Egypt, Kuwait, Tones, Algeria, Russia, Mexico…
A lot of countries today have a non-stable religious control, where at least 2 religions mixed in the region, for these countries religion is a Bad mixer in society, where civil religious wars are possible and therefor Religion matter is an enemy of the state structure that has to be calmed down and in the most severe times has to be destroyed or reinvented.
USSR, China, India, the UK, Bahrain, Iraq, Japan, Israel…
The leading country today is the USA, it describe itself as non-religious country, but in fact its Freemason ruled country, and since its they are devil worshipers, then so is the country government and 1st class, United with other countries that have the same anti religion way of thinking like Britain, a mass media was generated against all religions that other than the Jaws and the devil worshipers.
Islam is the easiest target to attack, it is the enemy of all western religions since its birth, people are used to the media targeting it in regular unstoppable based, especially since the war of 1973 where they severed from the oil shortage, for the west to stop attacking Islam and Muslims with be a shocking surprise.
What amaze me is not the attack on Islam but the attack against Christianity!!!!, plus the anti all religion Media that are truthfully overarming .
D.C, Marvel, Dark horse plus other companies have establish their entire comics, TV shows, and movies against the God himself, they actually using free of speech to proclaim him non-existent.
What is truly horrifying is that it's doesn’t need proofing for it's all over the comics, again and a again and again, every single page is a proof of anti-religion, with all characters either refuse religion or humiliate it  as old ages fiction.
The secondary target of the USA media is the Catholics, as the oldest religion for western societies focusing on it is a huge step into decapitating religion, the Catholic church itself hugely lost it Media protection with the loss of it overwhelming control in the middle ages, and with a huge amount it evidence of it deceptions and non-excitant integrity.
All is a smokescreen for unstoppable steps into reclaiming all religions as fake while protecting the main media controlling religions, Judaism and Satanism.
Judaism is highly regarded and respected religion in the modern media, whenever they show it they only talk about it positive points, marking the negatives as non-existent, old attacks on it are completely changed to defend it like the merchant for vines, where they change it structure and way of acting to make the villain Jaw merchant to a victim, others where the jaws where defended like Ivanhoe needed only a little boost.
Judaism before the 19's  was very hated  in the west, mainly because in Christianity they are the enemy of Jesus and the ones who helped to  kill him, a lot of mascaras happened to the jaws cause of this, only in Islamic countries that they found safety and possibility for learning and making Riches.
Muslims not only protected them they actually hated the much less the Christians, for they never at the time they never establish country to wage war against Islam, and the respected the Islamic Authority and never dared to say anything bad about Islam or the prophets, unlike Christians who were in constant state of war against Islam, and even though Islam loves and respect Jesus they until now speak very badly about Islam and Prophet Mohammad.
Well whatever the case today it's different, the Jaws have their own country and they are united with the devil worshipers in the USA and the world to destroy all religions but theirs.
But why the union exist?
Different factions unite to achieve a common target, this target is to prepare the world to empress their future king and much awaited savior, their beloved Antichrist, in this respect all Shia are also joining hand with them, for they also waiting for him to avenge the their beloved Persian empire from the Arab, which is what they precast without shame, indirectly announcing their hate for the Islamic religion the Arab brought to them. 
But Shia especially in Iran need too seem as far as possible from Judaism and Freemasons, for they announce them self the true Islam, and the protector of the true faith that the claim Prophet Mohammad followers do not present, for that they firmly announces  their hate of both their allies, while using its own False Islamic presentation as its own Anti-Islamic Propaganda's, making the Shia the perfect Antichrist's followers.
Here I have to put a stop point to start the main Issue I'm written about which is the anti-religion TV shows and movies. Which are:-
1) witch craft and magic, completely forbidden to both Christians and Muslims, who insist on the death penalty for its practice, while its widely allowed to the Jaws and Shia, the medias in the start of the 20's century insist on glorifying  it use, they highly respect and praise it users and damning those who persecute them,  mainly  because the media owned by the Jaws.
2) Aliens are a very new concept, created by the Freemasons to disclaim the existence of god, they developed many notions, one claim to be Gods, another is that if they exist then God doesn’t, a third is that they created mankind; other theories also used o discredit God using media of all kind.
                                3) Future, past and after death travel, mainly to discredit God while the world a fake image what happened and might happen as a fact, enforcing anti-religion theories and anti-God Religions in the process.
4) Sins engorging and advertising media: every existing Sin ever is announced as good and every good virtue is proclaimed laughable the Media, not only the ones western society allows   but also the ones the law forbid, like thievery, Murder, Rape, Kidnaping, war making, war industry… in fact No Sin is too great or too small to be presented in all Western media especially in the USA, though they do make trillions of Dollars of them, their main target is to say God if he exist is wrong to forbid them, and human shouldn't be punished for doing them, a statement most of the western world believe it is true.
5) God gender: Now that a direct attack on God, which primary Christianity fault, gender is a matter of creation not the creator, even the Angles them self-have no gender, some plants have only one gender, but since female Goddess concept exist in the old religions, and since the catholic church proclaimed Jesus mother a goddess hundreds of years after his birth it also had a lot of use in the anti-God media.
6) Denying  judgment day: Rarely you find in the media any shows of judgment day or it signs, and when they do show any of them is only to glorify the Devil, but mostly a complete denial of it ever happening, they actually state as a fact that it's just old fiction.
7) Engorge atheism: changing faith is a very hard task, and the older the religion in one family past the harder to change it, atheism is the sword that cut cleanly through any religion, since it doesn't require change of faith it is easy to attract any person to it, also it have the ability to unite people of many religions in one, it's a simple true faith in the non-existence of Godhood, a simple Virus that can be impeded in any religion to destroy it, a truly Sim-perfect  master piece of heathenism.
8) Engorge homosexuality: Freemasons are homosexuals; part of the initiation is an act of sex with another member of the same sex, it bound the two together and seal their joining the cult, as homos they thrive in increasing their kind, that’s why in the USA and UK homosexuality is largely engorged by the media.  
9) Pro Freemasons, Judaism, and Israel propaganda.
10) Children corruptions themes through Anime and comics: Japanese and other Asian countries also add to the corruptions flaw, but that apparently non anti national,  for their culture is Godless, their  superior being are very weak in personality and strength, they acutely barrow from the west their godhood mentality and change it if they want greater more powerful beings installed, after all most Asian Religions are truly fictional or made from legends.
11) Heavy borrowing from all non-Godly religions and give the voice, strength and stature to further cut the religious threat.
 12) Inventing new religion and cults: using imagination to add them to world is a way of brainwashing people out of God concept, which is a smart move and a next step after atheism.
13) Concentrating on terrorism: though mainly targeting Islam is actually an attack on all religious faith, giving religious believers bad reputation enhance  the Masses acceptability to a new non-religious society with no modesty or ethics much like the TV series Futurama, which the Image of the world they want people to want.
14) The Soul concept: a very deep, very strong religious concept that they find playing with it very rewarding, wither to deny it, or to claim it can be created in machines or robots, for if man can make thing with soul or impede the soul in it he can clam godhood example of that Cloning, and if the show soul doesn't exists they can deny God existence.
15) Making fake heroes: that an actor and make him a superhero, then give him another part to play to the media, in which he say and do whatever they want and with people believing him.
16) Reducing brain cells and smart levels: TV, Games and Cinema have this effect on people.
17) Engorging Alcohol, drugs and smoking: all are unit survival measures, which reduce the human life and cleverness plus they are all useless and money exhausting.
18) Engorging people to spend all their money like there is no tomorrow,  in a way they want people to spend all they have on their youth and when the old age comes, a suicide is an idle measure.
19) engorge pardoning criminals while engorging criminal to commit more crimes: Well that mostly in the USA, where the Freemason have made their idle society, for the more criminals in injustice society the less likely of revelation, a perfect example Egypt, when the revaluation started all the law forces where send away, and all the prison criminals where released, a lot of people had to go home to protect their families, but the Egyptian society  was more family like than the mulch-cultural USA, the criminal actually helped to keep the peace which you wouldn't find in a mulch-cultural society. Criminal enhancing system is a needed anti-revaluation system in a country where the Rich own the government.



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