الأربعاء، 5 أغسطس 2015


The end of the world is true, and its coming very fast, each person has his own views of how it will happen, each has his own believes and judgment, the 21th sentury is the the last sentury that we'll ever have. 

For houndred of thousent of years humans lived on the face of eath, it contained them full with no reservation, buy since the start of the 20th senturey an explosion of anti-human excitation started, no one at the time knew how human fealth would do just to gain money and invlonce, every money owner on the the face of earth compined their efforts in  unstoppable race to end the human kind before god, the mange to curopt the air lands and seas with a massive mining, cutting, pollution, wars  and  distraction.

Now every one in in a hurry, a race is on to take as much pleasure as possible before the end, no body blame rubbers, killers, rapers, or corrupter any more, they just tring to get a head on the race like the others.

Another option is to prepare for after life, its 100 time harder today to fucos on religues matters in the modern days, but yet one can do what he can .

Allah has his own plans for the human race, plans the stated since adam, not once , but time after time after time globle human distrection will happen , a massive waited unwanted plans that is writen in all of god's books .

The end of times in islam is a very long supject, stating  from the next blog I will star explaining them . mixed with scientific knowledge that helps to understand them .




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