الأربعاء، 5 أغسطس 2015

The Anti-Christ, Jesus, and Mahdi

Most people don't know how much loved and hated the anti-Christ is, he is not a legend, he is a future fact, and a big sign of judgment day.

In Christianity he the enemy of all Chrysostom and an evil that shell come before judgment day, he is born from the womb of a beast.

To jaw he is their most beloved leader who will lead them against the word.

To Shia he is their future general who will lead them to massacre all the Arabs who took their beloved Persia from them and destroyed their empire.

the Anti-Christ story is not so simple, he actually existed in prophet Mohamed time, his name was Ibn Sayad (meaning the son of a fisherman), he was a Jewish boy living in Medina, who was found out by Prophet Mohammad who was almost sure of his identity when the boy mother called for help, Prophet Mohammad left him be, for the boy destiny most be filled before he can be killed.

Ibn Sayad crow up entered Islam, get married and had children, he was strange figure who no Muslim know what to make of him so the done like Prophet Mohammad ordered and left him be.

Later when it time to conquer Persia he joins the Islamic armies to fulfill his destiny, as the Muslim besieged a massive fort in Persia uselessly , the jaw in the fort shouted out that it return in their book this fort will only be conquered by the anti-Christ, Ibn Sayad got so energy of the long siege he went alone to the fort and kicked the large gate and it was destroyed, the Muslim ruched the fort and took it , while Ibn Sayad was carried by his beloved Jaws and hidden while shouting :"the one that we are waiting for has come".

the anti-Christ is no ordinary villain all prophet since Adam warned about him, he has 2 distinguished marks, first he has one blind eye that can be Cleary seen fluting in it place, a disfiguring mark made by Allah to show that this man is not a god, secondly like all the human race he will face the unicorn and it will place a heathen on his forehead.

He would never present himself as the Anti-Crist, to Christians he will present himself as Jesus, to jaw they call him God, To Shia the call his the Gaiem (the total), he will have so much power that those who follow him will be rich and those who don't would starve, he would seem everywhere and coming and going from place to place with swift speed.

before his arrival another great mark would happen, the Mahdi will appear in Mecca, after a great massacre that take place their the people stop killing and decide to take a leader, they know that the Mahdi time has come up so the search for someone who has the name Mohammad Bin Abd-Allah they find him and make him their leader by force.

the western forces at the time (Maybe the USA or Europe) decide to take action, finally after taking on Iraq, Syria, and Yamane and took control of the world, finally it's time for their force to take Middle east and destroy their hated Islamic country, their army would be so large it will reach from Syria to Makka , then another judgment day sign would happen, all the army will be swallowed by earth, every male and female in the army will be killed announcing that the Mahdi has come to rule all Islamic nations as one .

afterward the western forces would allies with the Muslim against a stronger Mutual enemy, after ling fight they win, then a Christian will raise the cross and claim that Christianity has won the fight, an angered Muslim will kill him and that will start the final fight between Islam and Christianity Known as Armageddon, Muslim will win but at a very heavy cuts.

Finally Western forces Massacred and Muslims forces lost two thirds of their troops and are far away, the Anti-Christ appear in Ispahan in Iran, their 70 thousand jaw waiting for him to come becomes his 1st followers, then the Shia come to his aid, and the entire world either fallow him or starve .

At this very Dark time as Muslims Pray at afternoon Jesus finally comes from the sky to join the Muslims as one of them, the Mahdi wants to retreat allowing Jesus to lead the prayer but Jesus sign to him to continue, then he take his place beside the Mahdi .

Jesus is not a common man in Islam, he is a god prophet, making him an equal to prophet Mohammad, so when Mahdi dies soon after nobody even questions his leadership of all Islamic nations, he destroy the crosses, forbid alcohol, and kill all Pigs, then he leads then against the Anti-Christ who flee to Juroslim with his Jews and Shia, there Jesus face the Anti-Christ who melt like a candle from fear, so Jesus cuts his head and show it to the world.

Afterward they prepare for the next human extermination danger, the most feared sign of judgment day ever, and the two half human trips, Ya'ajuj and Ma'aJuj. But that's another story for the next blog.

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