الاثنين، 18 مايو 2015


Throughout the ages the myth of Good vs. Evil was form by mankind, the Good is described as clean, white, bright as day , evil described as dark black moving in the night , the Chinese had a better understanding of the myth in their description of yen and yang , for there is no full black nor full white . To describe it meaning in Islam 1st I have to mention it expression in other societies.

The perfect example of people way of thinking is the story of Gulliver's Travels, mainly the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu both describe them self as he good and the other as evil. The reason was very small (the way they open there boiled eggs) but the reason doesn’t matter, from ancient times for some to be Good someone have to be bad, and for war to happen both side have to claim the other evil for them to be Good .
Amazing isn’t the stupidity of human society, to Know the Start of all conflict we have to search the 1st murder ever, Cain and Abel , When Allah exiled Adam and Ave to earth they were the only humans ever, the 1st human births Where all Twins, one male and one female , every twin where forbidden to marry each other, Cain was born with his twin sister before Abel and his twin, Cain was strong faithful and capable, he was giving the Task of Grazing sheep and was married to Abel Twin sister, Abel was weaker than him but was more beautiful he was given the Task of farming and married to Cain sister who wasn't as lovely as his beautiful twin sister who he loved very much and wanted her for himself (they Were the 1st humans on earth and all born from the same mother and father, so the arrangement of Allah was hard for him to accept) .
Abel Anger increased later when a sacrifice was order to be made To Allah from, Cain chose his biggest strongest male sheep, Abel on the other hand filled less content to give away a sacrifice so he chose his worst crop, afire came from the sky toke Cain sacrifice and left Abel pathetic crop, after this everyone blamed Abel for his lack of sacrifice, but his hate only directed to Cain. 
(before Prophet Mohammad every prophet ever came had to make a sacrifice to Allah , the animal, crops, and All war loads where put then a fire comes from the sky and take , in fact Allah ordered the Israeli no to fallow any prophet until he do that , Jesus himself did it)

Abel tried to kill Cain, Cain refused to defend himself, he refused to harm his brother even in self-defense, but still Abel Failed , Cain was bigger and stronger, so abel fallowed his brother later and waited until he slept then toke a huge rock and stroke his head with it killing him . for making the 1st murder ever Allah punched him with forever damnation and every killing ever happens between humans he is responsible for and be punished every single one of them ever.

So what the reason for the 1st murder, the eternal damnation, the start of all conflict, simply put envy , Abel Thought: " I have something you don't, I am more beautiful than you , I should marry my equally beautiful sister not you, Allah should have accepted my bad Crops and left you big male sheep behind" .

So all the Human conflict explain, I'm White you black so I must be better than you, I'm Rich you poor I should be better than you, I'm Christian, I'm Jewish , 'm Muslim , I'm American, I'm English, I'm Catholic, I'm Protestant, I'm roman , I' Persian, I'm upper-class , I'm Noble, I'm king, I'm whatever . Whatever the conflicts it all start with I'm, you are, even if there is two persons on the face of earth unless one submit to the other war will happen.

So let's leave aside the meaning of wars, for its reason is far too easy to be accepted, man want something, another person have it, man make war to have it, death is only acceptable payment for the unlawful perches . The Anti-Islamic notion of good and evil is the two have different sides, both want to destroy the other and arrases it from the face of earth. In non-Islamic religions all agree that both sides have power, sometimes good wins, sometime evil, there is no meeting points , either Good bright White , or Evil who is dark Black , for that one god with both good and bad in his hand is impossible.

So here is all what Non-Muslim thinks :" it doesn’t matter what we do, what we say , what we think, it doesn’t matter the horror we make , the lies we say , or the human Crimes we make, for our Religion Faith is the right faith, and when we die we directly go to heaven".

Persian worshiped Fire and made up to god one for good and one for evil.

Christian's made Satan as a god and claim his to be a son of god and that he toke two thirds of god soldiers to hell where he rules (directly taken from Heathen catholic Mythology where Weak pathetic Satan was given by the catholic the exact discretion of hades). Which caused their people to worship Satan when they gave up on god?

In far Asia they have a better understanding of human nature, for even if not accepting the Gray area the decided the yen and yang concept, in which everything is, connected even good and evil. Though they were so proud of them self that they made their own religions and own gods, though their way of thinking is the same as all heathens, making a priesthood that connect directly to their false gods and only through them they can reach heaven, after baying money of curse .

Modern day they fully accepted the concept of Gray area, for the dark black truth made it way to people live, there history is so black and dark whatever white they have is black as night . Religion was modified for people pleasure, homosexuality, money interest; Alcohol, adultery and lying all became very common and very acceptable for all non-Islamic religions.

So what is Good and evil In Islam!!!? .

Everything that lead to heaven is Good, everything leads to hell is Evil, Good and Evil concept is not something to describe others, our Human nature and false desires is our enemies, all Muslim are their own priest, we have to stop our self from Sin and love doing good deeds, whatever other people doesn’t matter, for a Muslim is a matter of complete after life survival. 

THE simplest way to explain life in earth to Muslims is that it's a test sheet, Good deed is the right answer which is worshiping Allah And fallow his order and ovoid the things he forbid, Evil is anything that not good and so considered evil, all the grades compiled and from which your status is decided in heaven or in hell.

But that is not simple for there is two Test sheets, one for Muslims and one for non-Muslims, the last one is the easiest so I'll start with.

non-Muslims sheets: all good deed Rewarded fully on earth, a very small sample of all Bad deeds are punished on earth the Rest is after life, but all go the hell unless they make the one and only good deed that can get them out of hell after Avery along punishment which is the believe in Allah Oneness and in prophecy of Prophet Mohammad.

For Muslim the sheet is acutely fixed for success. Good deeds are multiplied 10 to 700 times and 1 Sin equal 1 bad deed. But it's not easy, for it an endless war against the paths to hell , Allah send Muslims attest after test to see our resolve , and the more fitful the person the harder the test, and the most hardest test is desires. Two Muslims in history where very faithful they were living in luxury with many wives and a lots of sons, Lands, and money, finally a very hard test came to them they lost everything, so they smiled happily for they were so blessed the doubted their faith.

It is not always the case, one faithful man told by a prophet that he have 40 years of happiness and 40 years of hardship, he asked the 40 of happiness 1st, so he was given, after the 40 years he continued his happiness, the prophet asked Allah why this happened, Allah told him, this man's thanks Allah for 40 years, for that he turned the next 40 years to happiness.

When the first Islamic king, who was fallowed of Prophet Mohammad was dying he cried his eyes out, for he fought for kingship even though he knew it leads to hardship in judgment day.

For Muslim it's very Simple, both good and bad, everything in on god hand, we only have to fight our ways to him, the more we take on earth the harder it's to get to heaven.

Give a man a very hard task with very large reward and he will work for it that Islam

Give a man an easy Reward for an easy payment and miner work and he will take it that is all non-Islamic religions including Christianity, Jewish, Hindi, and Buddhism.

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