الاثنين، 18 مايو 2015

Why Western citizens should hate Islam?

Most of the world don't want to understand Islam, they wand reasons to hate it, to call to erase this religion from the face of earth, will here is a helping hand, a true Release of all reasons known to me A Muslim for you to hate Islam:

First: Islam is Anti homosexuality.

Homosexuality is only forbidden in three religions, Christianity, Jewish and Islam, to other religion it doesn't matter even beastly is allowed , but that was in the best now days Christianity and Jewish religion come to accept Homosexuality as a way of live, even allow same sex marriages, all because religious leaders have the Authority to change their religion, in fact read history you'll find that Jesus mother and the holy Ghost where presented as Gods hundred years after Jesus, if they can announce someone to be god anything else easy.

Islam has no religious leaders, we have Islamic scientists who can explain the details but to try and change the basic Islamic Rules means death.

An Islamic Scientists said that Allah never talk directly to Muses like subscribed in Quran, he was killed as sacrifice in Makka.

Another a very good scientists thought to have said that washing feed for prayer preparation is allowed so the people killed him, ( he actually said to water is enough no need use hand massage on the feet) .

Islamic leaders can change religion as people like, Islam does not have Religious leader so homosexuality is forever forbidden in Islam, punishment is damnation and death, and the death sentence must be done in Islamic law country under the orders of a judge.

Second: Islam allows people just who reach adulthood to get married.

As soon as a boy or a girl gets married they are allowed to marry. not all what Islam allowed is recommended in Islam, that’s one of them, this is the minimum age of marriage but Islam doesn't allow force marriage, and even if it happen Islam rules how a man should treat a women in sex, it have to be calmly, they have to be eased up to each other's, but a lot of Muslim ignores Islamic teaching and  treat women badly do which lead to a lot of problems, I know some women who married young who were very happy with their marriage.

But for the ones who want to hate Islam just look at the Shia, they allow marriage to even infants, just call their false Religion Islam and hate it as much as you like.

Third: Islam is Anti Adultery 

Those who love adultery should hate Islam, for the punishment for married adulterous is stoning to death, for non-marred is 60 hard webs.

Forth: nudity and Semi nudity is not allowed in Islam for both men and women.

Five: women not allowed to rule or judge or Emam (a single person in prayer who the praying Muslim fallow to coordinate their movement together in prayer) in Islam.

Six: in Islam men and woman are not equal Woman have a lot less Islamic worship and responsibility, Menstruation woman not allowed to pray or fast or read Quran, they are not responsible for anyone else Sins, and only need to respect her husband to go to heaven .

A Woman has to cover all her bodies while men only cover half.
She only considered half a witness in Quran Law
She most has the same as her brother's gets from their father but only a half a share in inheritance.
A man can have 4 wives in condition of full fairness to all of them a woman can only have one husband.
A man in heaven can have a lot of wives; a woman can only have one husband.

Seven: Islam has no religious leader.
Without a religious leader how can the rules:
1) Control the Masses.
2) Make the do as they like.
3) Make their Rule a holy one a contract made from heaven.
4) Encourage them to go to fight the evil ones (who may ever dice them to be).
5) Take money from them in the name of their religion.
6) Change the religion to whatever to want it to be.
7) Clam the people from revolt.
The main reason people hate religion is Religious leaders , the play the godhood ticket to it last for all kind of gain including sex, homo activity, and collecting money for them self so they or their leaders compile gold and money.

Eight: Islam is Anti-Israel.
Jaws are damned in Quran, every single one of them for heathenism and killing prophets, never the less for a small tax they and all heathens are protected from any harm and have the same right as Muslims, for that Muslim countries protected the Jaws from Christians for more than 1300 years, at the crusaders time Jaws left Spain to Africa to escape the Spanish inquisition, those who remain hid their faith. For Jewish people have no rights among Christians, the say they are the murderers of Jesus, massacring them was something usual in Europe, while they were sped on by the Christians, some of them had great offices, I know two who made it to minister level in Granada and one who was the Abbasid Kaleaf doctor. 
But at the 20th century Palestine was given to Jaws who saw it as there promised land (even though in all history they only Ruled there for 99 years) , it was to divide all Islamic countries in half, and as payment for what the Christian Nazi done to them . never mind that a lot of jaw today are anti-Israel for in this era jaws can live peacefully and rich anywhere in the world, there is no need for a Jewish country on constant conflict with their neighbors. 

Nine: only Muslim Allowed to Rule Muslim country.

Ten : Islam Kill Killers
in most of USA even if some one killed 40 person it take time to execute him, Islamic Law urges for his death as soon as possible.

eleven : Islam cut thieves rights hands .
mercy allowed in most cases, but when the thieve use weapons , or frighten people the punishment is made. 

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